Wednesday, June 30, 2010

first ever girlpowered camping trip to the sequoias :: our first day

my family planned a camping trip to Cedar Grove in the Kings Canyon Park & Sequoia National Forest. He had to work so at the last minute my brilliant self decided :: hmmm instead of  missing the trip just because He has to work...why don't i take the girls on our 1st family tent camping trip EVER 8 hours away (wait make that 10) all by BAD SELF!!! great idea right? see me smiling?

He packed us up & had to leave for work super early, so we met in a parking lot to grab some things we said  our last goodbyes (maybe forever).  YES we are are still smiling

back seat smiles

luckily i was able to connect with one of my aunts who helped me drive after about 4 hours. about 6 hours later...we arrived (pic out of sequence b/c it was taken at the end of trip). the drive up to the campsite alone was one of the most amazing scenic drives I've ever taken. surrounded by natural beauty from all sides, it was an overwhelming treat for each of the senses.

turn left for the most picturesque & beautiful campsite & what turned out to be the best camping/family experience EVER!!! (albeit our first as of yet)

words could not begin to express the overwhelming beauty of creation we were surrounded by. nor the gratitude we felt towards the loving Creator for allowing us the opportunity to experience it

the back of our temporary little sequoia filled home site (thanks K for taking care of the tent set up for us clueless beginners)

our first nights meal. i made turkey chili, cheddar biscuits, & Mediterranean orzo salad.  my salad was a variation of this one. i added cucumber chunks & finely shredded kale. in the last minute rush i forgot the artichoke hearts & feta

cousins & campfire

camp cuties all cozied up, no one missing daddy too much yet, & all still smiling. little did we know how F R E E Z I N G  C O L D the night was going to be
or that the next would be even C O L D E R! Brrrrrrrrrrr BUT this being my first outdoor camping trip in a decades...i didn't sleep anyway. luckily melting winter snow was making the King's River swell, rush, & roar outside our campsite so loud it drowned out most of the night time noises. first day/ night as novice girlpowered tent camping team...a-better-than-expected-success!

Monday, June 28, 2010


the girls & i went shopping. such a special treat for each of them to have their VERY OWN gift cards. it used to be just the toy aisle but now of course that means browsing & analyzing EACH & EVERY aisle including electronics, acessories, & cosmetics. we were exploring one of my favorite sections :: THE BOOKS & we found this little gem we had to take a few minutes to read.
 Birdie's Big-Girl Shoes is about a little cutie named Birdie who has the most fashionable mama with THE most POSH closet! (2 out of my 3 girls dream mama) Birdie cannot wait to wear FAB high heels like her mama. with her mama's permission to explore her amazing closet...Birdie discovers the perfect pair of shoes for cute little girls. 

then of course we hit the shoe aisle. so much fun for my little miss Birdie who cant quite seem to  find what she's looking for in her practical mama's closet

always with the zebra!

fierce yes...walking hmmmm???

ok these bad boys deserved a side shot!

the other little miss Birdie just a few footsteps...i mean high heeled steps behind

talk about growing up waaaay to fast...but a girl can dream cant she

Friday, June 25, 2010

Exotic Plant Sale:: Resendiz Brother's Protea's, Rainforest Flora, Rojas Succulents

there were supposed to be 4 parts to the Exotic Plant Sale post (part 1 & part 2), but i only ended up with 3. i LOVE plants & flowers, i could have broke the bank at this sale.

i did come home with a few of these FAB pincushion Protea. They get more than 5 feet wide & high. i cant wait to use them outside my courtyard wall. My battery was pretty much dead by now, so this was it. this young salesman was the best in knowledge & customer service, wish i would have gotten his name.

cant wait to use these in a bouquet

the info for this vendor was removed so if he finds me i hope he indentifies himself
i wanted these sooooo bad, but my only shaded area is over planted already. the salesman was so proud to show how amazing they are with the light shining thru the leaves

i LOVES these beautiful twins

the rich carmel colored leaves

staghorn ferns never cease to amaze me. they seemingly grown out of the middle of nowhere

tillandsias :: air plants, the birds always carry mine away

dont know what this one was, never seen it before, but it intrigued me

this woman is so talented. we have many varieties of succulents growing in this area. my creative juices are flowing!

i loved the Exotic plant sale. there were so many many beautiful plants & landscaping ideas. eventhough i didnt come home with EVERY plant i saw...i came away with tons of inspiration!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

handmade gifts for the girlies imagination

My sister in law made the girls these fab cloaks as gifts. they have come in quite handy on enchanted forest fairy hunts & tree dragon slaying missions.

so twirly

these creep me out just a little

computer drone


purple & Princess Tiana, pink & Littlest Pet Shop, blue & celestial stars

i took the girls shopping to pick out their lining fabric & measurements, then sent them to her to finish up. quite talented if you ask me. Thanks sister-in-law for the endless fun for the gilries imagination! 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Family Fun:: KIDCHELLA at the new children's museum in San Diego

we went to the new children's museum of san diego for the 2010 KIDCHELLA concert. in addition to the variety of live music playing, there were so many exciting things to see & interactive things for the kids to do.  WARNING: lots of pix!

wish we had our own bouncy rainbow

funny we were just learning about the Trojan Horse in history
(dont worry, they made it out alive)

these amazing balloon creatures hung over head in the ceiling. you just HAVE to see these for yourself in person

muscle powered race track

this was a "living" table with plants & figurines under glass. there were also toys on top that you could play with

the girls did a little recycled materials nest project

3's birdie                                                        2's birdie

bubble fun

the concert! dancing to our fave Hullaballoo

we had to-o much fun and there were to-o many pix to post. even of the architecture & design of the fantastically designed urban industrial - style building  alone that i didnt post...hmmmmmm part II perhaps...