Sunday, August 17, 2014

huntington lake

huntington lake 7.26.2014

summers are unbearably hot with terrible air quality here in the valley! bleh.
with no pool at this home, fires in the near distant mountains & add 
coming from 75° summers just a year ago on top of it all, 
we have been mainly suffering thru these scorching months indoors with the ac blasting. 

we needed a get away & took a little family daytrip to local huntington lake in search of cool enough temps to be outside, nature & cool clean water to play in. 
it was bittersweet seeing how low the lake water levels were due to our current california drought conditions, but it was still the precious nature we long for...& in its essence the beauty & refreshment we were craving.

ps. crazy summer & trying to catch up on some summer memories!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

enduring, sacrificing & so many blessings

one of the biggest parts of our move was my husband's new job. he  adjusted to his new work place, quickly got into the groove & moved things right along. the thing we were most excited about was FINALLY no more crazy traveling...BUUUUT of course that didn't last long! an opportunity fell into place that has & continues to bring immense benefits for him work wise & to us as a family. it really was too good to pass up. 

the biggest bummer is that he lives out of town on the job site four days during the week & comes back home towards the weeks end. oh my gosh being a single married mama is tough! especially me being new to all this crazy public school biz & both our teen & tween's pace of life has changed. even though its (supposedly) only for 6-8 months which seems like a small time frame in the long run, our brownsugars are doing ALOT of growing up & each doing their own things. there's a lot of life going on to miss but he's been doing a fab job of trying to make their events & spending a lot of quality time with them when he's home. (FACETIME IS A LIFESAVER!!!)

all our little fams current enduring & sacrificing is opening the door for so many blessings. thats what we keep reminding ourselves of. its reaffirming to be able to experience current benefits & to see future ones come into fruition. 
shortly it will all come together & it will all pay off & will be worth it...even though shortly sometimes seems like forever away!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

downtown + progress

a couple of weekends ago i threw on some patchouli & my panama hat & headed downtown to do some small & local biz sipporting. one of the local vintage shops was hosting a sidewalk sale with other shops on the block. it was a beautiful day for a fun event. our downtown is going thru a big revitalization & so many exciting new development are underway. i explored cute new shops, beautiful downtown on foot & met some new friends. 

i was super pleased to find these cute wooden crates to help with my kitchen desk area organization. its not done yet, i'm going to add more of those metal ikea boxes & the warm wood softens up all the metal. the crates are hiding unfinished projects im crossing off my to-do list, clutter that i still have to sort thru as i slowly unpack boxes & they are keeping items i need to store out of sight (my fave is the bottom crate that houses our lastest wine shipment from one of our fave wineries).

i've been having good luck with an online resale group with selling & moving unwanted items from my home. seeing the stuff actually leave my house while making a little fun money is a great motivator. 
this purging & organizing is an on going process but having the progress concealed & looking somewhat nice & orderly during sure makes it seem a lot less tedious & overwhelming.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

life. an adventure.

adventure is the perfect word to describe what's been going on over here lately! too many details to try & catch up on but its been one thing after another without pause to adjust. as much as we would love a little more consistency & time to catch our breath...we are accepting that this is just the way our little fams life is currently.

when we 1st moved back here to our hometown in july (which we never ever in life planned too but my daddy's incident changed that!)
we couldn't figure out WHY?!?!?!!! why Lord do you want me back here...waaaah! 

but after 8 months the bigger picture is unfolding. we are starting to see the WHY & the exciting things that are in the works for us. we are embracing the pathway our new journey is leading us on.
after all this very well may be our little fams BEST ADVENTURE EVERRR!!!