Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chateu De Fleurs Barn Sale Fun Part II Out of the Blue Deborah Beard's booth

i have tremendous love for anything having to do with the ocean. definately one of the reasons i was drawn to Deborah Beard's Out of the Blue booth. it was one of my faves at the Chateu de Fleur Marketplace Barn Sale ( part I here). Deborah's booth was filled with vibrant zesty colors & unique items. i only wish i got a pic of the vendor, but you can see her beautiful smiling face here. i hope to visit her Solana Beach store real soon.  it looks like the kind of place i could lose myself browsing & lingering.

i wish i could bring my overly practical self to have this fantastic sea shell adorned seahorse wonder somewhere in my house. i really, really want it... i just couldn't do it. so sad!

ok, or this!

my fave colors

too bad my wrist is so teeny, i could definately use some of these lively colors to spice things up

so pretty! i have a few of these, but not turquoise dang it!

Deborah's hand embellished craftiwork

i REALLY thought i wouldn't be able to live without one of these superfab handmade flowered lariats for the rest of my life, but my neck was sensitive to the twine. so apparently i'll survive...not happily ever after though. *pout*

then plan B caught my eye

unflattering pic BUT! turns out it was actually THIS superfab handmade flowered belt i couldnt live without...now i shall live happily ever after. can't wait to pick the perfect outfit for it's debut & actually wear it.

this is just a smidge of ALL the things i loved at Deborah's booth. i didn't even mention the cute clothes!

see anything you can't live without? the next Chateau De Fleur Marketplace is Fri June 18th & Sat June 19th. contact Christie if you are interested in being a vendor.


  1. So fun! I really really want to go!

  2. HEY!!! You found me! Bummer I missed the treasure hunting...
    we'll have to get together for the next one...
    and i'll let you know when the next Vista Elks Flea Market is...
    I think in June as well...super cute blog and your girls are beautiful...
    Take Care...
