Wednesday, September 1, 2010

...i can explain!

yup. i know i said we wouldn't...BUT let me explain.
  1. I'm very very wishy washy.
  2. they were so stinkin'cute. look at that face!
  3.  i have been wanting chickens for over 15 years. i over thought it & made up all kinds of excuses not to do it : they're gross & poopie, the bird flu, what to do with them when they stop laying, etc...BUT with the girls pet sitting we've been enjoying tons of fresh eggs & what a difference. the superior quality. { i must say we don't even like eggs so much, they taste & smell gross, we tolerate them at best.} BUT we do think they are a necessary superfood & we do eat them. that being said i HATE paying for less fresh inferior quality store bought eggs especially now that we are used to the bright orange nutrient rich yolks.  our chickies are organically fed, when they grow they will be free ranged & pastured. in addition to the joys of chicken hood, by spring we will be enjoying the amazing benefits of free range organic farm eggs from our own backyard. more than anything i LOVE feeding my family freshness grown from home. having chickens has brought us one step closer to self sustainability & officially turned us into Brownsugar Farms.
  4. everyone has been telling us (ALREADY) we need a replacement for Little Miss Daisy to help us cope with our loss. were not ready for another doggy. Thus the chickies came as a timely distraction. their little joyful chirpies are such a happy sound & they are surprisingly quite cuddly. & EASY! they are keeping us company in the classroom & our spirits up. we are even thinking of doing the whole 4-H thing as a school project.
meet Little Acorn, Paddock, Fluffy Cheeks & Georgia. we decided to start off with just 4
Araucanas are beautiful birds & are called eastereggers because they lay a variety of egg colors such as blue, green, pink & yellow
the  Barred Rock chickies will be black & white and lay brown eggs
told you they were snuggly
oh & this book finally convinced me to do it. even if you aren't considering chickies, this book may persuade you. so CUTE & obviously this mama is a sucker for cute!!!

* sadly us city girls are trying to come to terms with the fact that  living in the country comes with its own threats & blessings. we cant avoid them & have to try to not live in constant fear. the chickies are our means to sustainability, nutritiously superior fresh eggs & food for our family. we love our pets & value each life. everyone keeps telling us we have to view our chickies as egg producers only, not pets & to be prepared because they have many natural predators.  that part we struggle with, never really had to looked at anything that way...I'm having a hard time even eating chicken anymore. the girls close the classroom door when we do. it's heartbreaking for mamas to lose any of their babies. alas...
                                                                    wish us luck!!!

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