Tuesday, November 16, 2010

family. family. & more family. love it.

my poor little neglected bloggie. we've been busy BUT NO CAMERA grrrrr!!! my mama has been visiting almost 2 weeks. the woman does more laundry than i can keep up with but has been a HUGE lifesaver. to begin the week i had a stomach bug & cold on top of it. yet i still had to do a 2 day field trip with Miss 3rd grade (it was FANTASTIC!)
*(BTW yellow school bus ride thru very windy back country...never a good idea when your stomach is bad. i even asked to be let off the bus, but was out of cell range to call for a ride home, so i had to suffer thru it. the next day i drove my own car!)
 that week...i was COMPLETELY worthless.

good thing i was feeling much better by the end of the week because my brother's family came & brought my fat juicy baby Coco. WE HAD A BABY IN OUR HOUSE!!! the girls couldn't get enough. Saturday we had a family BBQ with even MORE family. (but guess what...no camera!)
 i truly miss all of this being away from home. my family is so much fun & was ALWAYS TOGETHER! so happy to have them although we were missing my sister's fam & my daddy. i had such a full heart this weekend. i LOVED having my house trashed & full of family again.i missed them as soon as they drove away...good thing my mama is staying another week.

this week...(one of the reasons i miss my own private school & hate using a charter school although i love this particular school itself)...
benchmark assessments.
BOOOOO!!!  back to boring.

next week...going back home for vacation! we can't wait to see more of our family.
 & yes...i hope to have my camera.

1 comment:

  1. loved the pics of the leaves Deb, glad you are feeling better now :)
