{visiting back home}
magnet making mania
this has been so addicting & fun!
in our So Cal house everything is stainless steel so we dont have anthing to put magnets on.
we went a little crazy
not sure what we will do with them when we get back.
kinda hard too see,
but they are all different & cute.
im proud of my little set
we just leave the materials out & when we find a pic, we make a little magnet easily & quickly.
surely everyone knows how to do this but here you go:
surely everyone knows how to do this but here you go:
*clear flat backed glass marbles (Dollar Tree)
*round magnets (Wally World)
*mag pix, drawings, etc...
*watered down glue (or Modge Podge) to glue pic to the marble
*regular glue or hot glue to attatch the magnet
*use marble to measure mag pic, then cut out.
*brush watered down glue or modge podge on to marble & flat side of marble.stick pic on image side down (showing thru the round front of marble)
*let dry then glue on magnet.
easy peasy fun!
i love this! i've used the glass tiles from sun and moon but it gets expensive. going to try the ones from dollar tree, which is my kind of pricing!